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Common Sense Generation: Former adviser to Mike Pompeo – China should not be underestimated

    2024-07-26 11:05:34
    Time to read: 28 min
    The former director of policy planning at the U.S. State Department reminds us of the challenge that China poses to the world order and to U.S. strategy, regardless of who wins the White House election. Moreover Berkowitz urges young people in the West to learn Mandarin.


    - China's drive to oust the United States from its role as a major power is deeply destabilizing for the world, former adviser Mike Pompeo said in an interview with the Common Sense Generation podcast, stressing that Donald Trump's administration has focused on the “China challenge” and that USA should not deviate from that course. The analyst noted that China remains the biggest challenge to U.S. foreign policy, with Beijing seeking to change the global order by putting its interests at the center and promoting authoritarianism. China's strategy differs from the Soviet one, relying mainly on diplomacy and economic dependence rather than military domination – the podcast guest explained.

    The conversation also touched on China's domestic policies, including repression of ethnic minorities and attempts at cultural unification under Xi Jinping's leadership. Berkowitz stressed that while the Chinese Communist Party argues its actions are needed to preserve stability in the region, they violate basic human rights and could lead to chaos.

    The American geopolitician highlighted Americans' lack of understanding of China, emphasizing the need to learn Mandarin and study Chinese culture to better comprehend global challenges. The interview concluded with a recommendation for young people interested in geopolitics to consider learning Mandarin – I have a friend who teaches at Harvard Law School and she told me that she has many Chinese students in regular law school. I once asked her what their level of English was. She answered me that in some cases it is better than native English-speaking students. I asked myself, how many Americans are in Chinese law schools who speak Mandarin better than native Chinese? - reported Berkowitz in an interview with Maria Kądzielska-Koper.

    Peter Berkowitz is a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He specializes in political and legal philosophy. He is the author of numerous books and articles that address policy issues, liberal education and international challenges such as the situation in the Middle East and the rising importance of China. From 2019 to 2021, he served as director of the Policy Planning Division at the US State Department under Mike Pompeo.

    The full interview with Peter Berkowitz is available on the Common Sense Generation channel with a choice of Polish subtitles.

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