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The Essence of Things - Hesperialism

In the fifth episode of "The Essence of Things", we discuss the topic of philosophy of history and the concept of hesperialism.


Common Sense Generation: Former adviser to Mike Pompeo – China should not be underestimated

The former director of policy planning at the U.S. State Department reminds us of the challenge that China poses to the world order and to U.S. strategy, regardless of who wins the White House election. Moreover Berkowitz urges young people in the West to learn Mandarin.

Maria Kądzielska-Koper

28 min

Common Sense Generation: How to live a full life and use reason?

Why can't a perfect state be created for all the people of the world?

Maria Kądzielska-Koper

54 min Nandi Mazeingo - XIII Kongres Polska Wielki Projekt

Nandi Mazeingo - the chairperson of the Ovaherero Genocide Foundation from Namibia

Zespół redakcyjny

11 min

The Essence of Things - 'Time in the Perspective of Maciej Mazurek's Art'

In the sixth episode of "Essence of Things" we talk about the philosophical sources of Maciej Mazurek's art and the role that time plays in this work. 

Maciej Mazurek

48 min Prof. David Engels & Propst Dr. Gerald Goesche

Propst Dr. Gerald Goesche leitet das Institut St. Philipp Neri in Berlin, eine kleine, traditionell katholische Gemeinde mitten im Herzen der weitgehend atheistischen und linksliberalen Bundeshauptstadt. David Engels sprach mit ihm für "Deliberatio" über seine Mission, das Leben in Berlin, die lateinische Messe, die Zukunft des Christentums und das Streben nach dem Wahren, Schönen und Guten.

David Engels

42 min

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