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Marco Gallina

Marco Gallina

Born in Italy, socialized in the Rhineland, studied history and political science in Verona and Bonn with a focus on international relations, the history of diplomacy and European history. He worked in the German Bundestag until 2021. He specializes in foreign, security and energy policy issues. Since 2021, he is redactor for the liberal-conservative magazine 'Tichys Einblick'.

Country Report: Germany, January 2023

Germany's desperate search for geopolitics

Marco Gallina

8 min

In the stranglehold of the climate extremists

At the carnival parade in Düsseldorf, one float caught the eye: it showed a member of the climate extremist "Last Generation" fighting a “car monster”. Düsseldorf thus adopted the common narrative of "David against Goliath" and assigned the role of heroes to the extremists - not least because the slogan underneath, "Who's the climate terrorist here?" made it clear that the CO2 guzzlers are responsible, not the activists.

Marco Gallina

5 min

The German migration policy does not want to grow up - yet

It is not only regarding energy policy that Germany remains in a Peter Pan mode for the time being: several events this month have revealed that Berlin, despite its immense burdens, is reluctant to push through a more pragmatic and far-sighted immigration policy.

Marco Gallina

10 min

The German government wants to throw two opposition parties out of parliament

On 17 March, Germany carried out what was possibly the most significant change in electoral law in the post-war period. It was also especially remarkable because a government with an absolute majority could thus eliminate two opposition parties, at least in the medium term.

Marco Gallina

10 min

Journalists on state payroll

For example, the federal government has spent almost 1.5 million euros on commissions to journalists over the last five years – whereby a significantly higher part was spent on public service journalists.

Marco Gallina

10 min

A green economy minister threatens a touristic nature paradise

Rügen is a place of romantic longing for many Germans. Today, the largest island in the republic has primarily the reputation of a tourist resort, seaside place and nature reserve. And one artistic vision of it remains especially vivid in the German soul: a romantic painting by Caspar David Friedrich, the chalk cliffs in which have etched themselves into our memory.

Marco Gallina

6 min

The Finnish election is a signal for European conservatives

Sanna Marin is history. This is not without irony: usually, it is the "woke" young generation that overturns monuments to great historical figures. Yet this time, with Marin, a left-wing icon only 37 years old is toppling. She was a figurehead even in the liberal camp.

Marco Gallina

10 min

The Question of Oriental Christians is a European Question

Europe will be Christian again, or it will no longer be at all. How Christian it truly is, is also shown by how much it stands by its fellow Christians. In the case of Christianity in the Orient, the very region of origin of the religion that had made Europe what it was and what it is now - things look bleak.

Marco Gallina

12 min

The nuclear phase-out: The Germans' dogma

Europe is an officially secularised continent. Christianity is seen either as folklore or a disturbing relic. Significantly, the 19th century transformed Western societies in several ways.

Marco Gallina

9 min

A "coup d’état" against the federal government that never existed?

Germany on the brink of the abyss - no, that was neither the headline in the German papers when the full extent of inflation and price hikes became known; nor when the consequences of the energy crisis became tangible;

Marco Gallina

8 min

How an eco-lobby controls Germany

State secretaries are the real brains of the ministries. As politicians, it is the ministers who are the eye-catchers for the media, who have to make their party-political mark, justify themselves and stand in front of the cameras – there is not much time left to manage the operational business.

Marco Gallina

8 min