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Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz

Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz

Academic Director of the Higher Institute of Sociology, Economy and Politics (ISSEP) in Madrid. Professor at the postgraduate program “Expertise in Social Communications” at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. He has been Lonergan Post-Doctoral Fellow at Boston College and postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Gianni Vattimo at the University of Turin. His works include, among others, the following books: Sapere aude, or is it still possible to call ourselves enlightened?; Rules. An introduction to the hermeneutics with the help of Wittgenstein and Sherlock Holmes; and Normativity, interpretation and praxis. Quintana is a regular contributor to the TV channels Trece, El Toro, 7nn and CyLTV, and to the digital newspaper The Objective.

Is Christianity Over?

It all began with the last book by the Parisian philosopher Chantal Delsol, The End of Christianity: Normative Inversion and the New Age, published in October 2021.

Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz

10 min