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Piotr  Wróblewski

Piotr Wróblewski

Sociologist of culture, specializes in nationalities studies. Professor of the University of Silesia in Katowice, head of the Tradition Research Group. Author of the book Mobilizacja i konflikt etniczny. Miejsca Święte mniejszości narodowych w Polsce [Mobilisation and Ethnic Conflict. Sacred Places of National Minorities in Poland]. He has conducted filed research in various regions of Poland. He has been working on social ties in the Polish-Czech borderland in the Beskidy Mountains. 

The Significance of Roger Scruton's Philosophy 

Sir Roger Scruton (1944-2020) remains a figure of inspiration to authors representing various fields of knowledge, who readily consult his works on political philosophy, the history of philosophy, ethics and aesthetics, and music.

Piotr Wróblewski

4 min