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Emilio Morales de la Barrera

Emilio Morales de la Barrera

Graduated in Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Doctor in Philosophy from the International Academy of Philosophy of Liechtenstein based at the Pontifical University of Chile. Prof. Morales has been, among other activities, professor at various Chilean universities, visiting professor at the IAP-PUC and manager of the San José Educational Foundation of the Archbishop of Santiago. His interests revolve around problems of philosophical anthropology, social philosophy and aesthetics, and he has several publications on these issues. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Chilean Society of Christian Philosophy.

Solidarity in Chile - an Unfinished Project. The Contribution of John Paul II

Much has been written about the presence of John Paul II in my country[1]. What we will try in these brief minutes is to make an evaluation from the point of view of culture, to see how and what extent the thought and action of the Polish Pontiff has influenced the being and acting of Chileans and how this contribution is shaping up in the future.

Emilio Morales de la Barrera

8 min