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Fabian Bell

Fabian Oliver Bell studied musicology, art history, history, and dramaturgy in Düsseldorf and Essen. As a playwright specializing in opera and concerts, he worked at various opera houses and concert halls. In addition, he has written texts on music, particularly from the late 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on composers such as Schubert, Liszt, and Mahler, as well as the school of Arnold Schoenberg, Olivier Messiaen, Luigi Dallapiccola, and Bernd Alois Zimmermann.

Once Avant-garde: The Situation of Theatres in Germany

It is not difficult to criticize the theatre landscape based on the programs offered. However, when the discussion turns to cultural life, other questions are usually addressed. In particular, representatives of vulgar populism often mention the costs of theatres, orchestras, and other cultural institutions, usually with fervour that allows no further discussion.

Fabian Bell

5 min

Conservative and Revolutionary: About Arnold Schoenberg

To the occasional listener of symphony concerts, Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) is generally known as one of the boldest modernists in the history of music. Surprisingly, however, for many people who delve deeper into his biography, it becomes clear that he was anything but politically progressive.

Fabian Bell

7 min