At the beginning of July, we witnessed further rioting and looting across France. Although President Macron, with the nerve and arrogance only he is capable of, pretended to find this event surprising, everyone had been expecting it, at least since 2005 and the last large-scale riots in the suburbs.
No sensible, informed person with common sense was surprised by this week of chaos. And even if the left, out of treacherous electioneering or stupid candour, were talking about a revolt for justice, justified anger or even - sic! - festive demonstrations, it became clear that this was not a structured and thought-out revolt, or even a spontaneous and politically oriented one, but rather a series of savage acts of violence, and an expression of hatred and total rejection of France, as if a parasite were rejecting the host with its immune system.
And while it is obviously wrong, unfair and absurd to lump all immigrants or descendants of immigrants together, it has to be said that too large a proportion of this population, although they did not take part in the riots or the looting, did not at least put up any resistance, nor did they try to intervene and stop the actions of their sons, brothers, cousins or neighbours.
No, this was not a riot, but the expression of something far more serious, far more worrying and far more profound. It was a secession. First and foremost, we are witnessing a secession of the "new French". These tens of millions - read that number again - of new French citizens, most of them from the former French colonies, but not only; the majority were born in France as descendants of legal immigrants who had posed no problem when they arrived - it was supposed to be temporary labour immigration - have now more and more clearly put one foot in secession.
This is by no means a popular, conscious or politicised movement. The rioters are not poor people thirsting for social justice; they are the new barbarians spawned by our civilisational collapse. They are no revolutionaries, but looters full of hatred for white people and desire to dominate their space, which they intend, sooner or later, to make their own.
Explosions of homemade bombs, live ammunition fired at police officers, destruction of public buildings, theft of vehicles, burnt-out cars, lynchings of white people, plainclothes policemen or off-duty policemen - after having been hunted down -, settling of scores between rival gangs along the way, accidental deaths (for the time being), symbols of the state and society (transport, education, police, post office, town hall, Olympic building, large shops) attacked, French flags burnt? This litany of acts committed by the "chances for France", as the left calls them, is the only political message that counts. No, this is not a social revolt: it is a secession, a profession of faith in identity. It is the very authority and legitimacy of the French state that is being called into question here. Not the government, not even the regime.
It is the closest thing we have to a militant action; the fruit of collective intelligence, bearing witness to a clear perception of power relations. The mass of secessionist insurgents, in this dress rehearsal, declared war on the remnants of the French state, trapped by its clientelism and its successive cowardice and renunciations over the last fifty years, which made it hostage to what it has created.
What was the Paris regime's response to this mess? First of all, silence (censorship of videos), then media diversion (pointing the finger at militant patriotic self-defence groups to stir up the ghost of the fascist threat), and finally, denial, that immense mental strength that sometimes allows people to live, even to up to their death, without taking the danger into account. The denial that has deeply animated the macronist, globalist, authoritarian post-bourgeoisie. This remnant of bourgeoisie in decline that denies both its disintegration over the last century - and the death of industrial bourgeoisie as a result of the generalisation of joint stock companies - and the scale of the problems for which it is responsible.
The violence of the police, less and less professional and French, and more and more full of riff-raff, serves only to subdue the last Gallic inhabitants of peripheral France, who are being fleeced by the riff-raff at the top, the anti-national oligarchy, and robbed by the riff-raff at the bottom, the post-Islamic and Americanised lumpen-proletariat.
This breakdown of France into three blocs, as described by geographer Christophe Guilluy in his book La France périphérique, confirms Guy Debord's analysis published in 1985.
We can no longer assimilate anyone: not young people, not French workers, not even provincials or old ethnic minorities, because Paris, a destroyed city, has lost its historic role of creating French people. What is centralism without a capital? [...] Only a focused spectacle can unify the spectators. The rich expression "cultural diversity" is often used in advertising-speak. What cultures? There are none left. Neither Christian nor Muslim; neither socialist nor scientistic. Don't talk about the absent ones. If we look for a moment at the truth and the evidence, there is nothing left but the spectacular global (American) degradation of every culture. [...] Some put forward the criterion of 'speaking French'. Ridiculous. Do today's French people speak it? [...] We've become Americans. It's only natural that we should find all the miserable problems of the USA here, from drugs to the Mafia, from fast food to the proliferation of ethnic groups. [...] Here we have the troubles of America without having its strength. [...] Here, we are nothing more than colonised people who have failed to revolt, the yes-men with spectacular alienation. [...] The risk of apartheid? It is very real. It is more than a risk, it is an inevitability that is already there (with its logic of ghettos, racial confrontations and, one day, bloodshed). A society that is falling completely apart is obviously less able to welcome large numbers of immigrants without too many problems than a coherent and relatively happy society.
So in this context peripheral France, openly relegated to an underclass status during the Gilets Jaunes, when the regime in Paris brutally and often illegally and immorally repressed the demonstrations of honourable workers and ordinary people, this peripheral France is increasingly, consciously or not, entering a state of secession too.
We are witnessing the beginnings of the complete disintegration of the French nation - or what's left of it. France is going to become brasilianised, with a concentration of capital that will enable small groups to secure a high standard of living for themselves by privatising public services, while the rest of the population, whether Gallic or of immigrant origin, will have to rely on mutual aid from the community to meet their needs.
Increasingly weak, the French state is mutating into an authoritarian and repressive system, in a terrible admission of powerlessness. There are calls for more surveillance, more control, drones in the streets, automatic facial recognition, Internet control and censorship. No one on any side of the political spectrum seems to realise that the solution does not lie in disarming the police - but not the scum and gangsters - or in arming the police to the teeth and turning the country into a police state. The solution is fewer barbarians and fewer traitors; not less freedom in the hope of restricting thugs, but the return of guaranteed fundamental freedoms for citizens who respect the social contract.
It has to be said that France is falling apart, whether as a result of the cultural and identity-based decomposition of the French people, subjected to the globalist steamroller, or as a result of mass immigration by a vengeful sub-proletariat that is generally unsuited to life in a European society.
The profound mechanisms that have led to this state of affairs cannot be stopped, let alone corrected, by a few political reforms. It is too late. At the beginning of this month of July, a potential nation in the making, whose barbaric morons were the noisy representatives during the riots and looting, is facing a nation in decomposition, betrayed by its elites and left to fend for itself in its inevitable decline.
The determination of the ruling French oligarchy to suppress any attempt at reaction or self-defence betrays better than any words the globalist agenda of the powers that be. France and the French must submit to the globalist order and its barbarian auxiliaries, even if the order is temporarily lost. Any resistance will be resisted. So we shouldn't be surprised to see a growing desire on the part of the French people to secede from the French state.
We were not witnessing "urban riots", but a historical spasm that had betrayed the partition of the French national body. This was just one seismic tremor, and there will be others, certainly much bigger. The future of France, or what's left of it, will be determined by the degree to which each side submits.
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