David Engels
Chair of Roman History at the University of Brussels (ULB) and currently works as research professor at the Instytut Zachodni in Poznań, Poland. Author and editor of numerous scholarly books as well as essays for the larger media. He is most well-known for his books "Le Déclin" (Paris 2013); "Renovatio Europae" (Groningen 2019); "Was tun" (Bad Schmiedeberg 2020); "Oswald Spengler" (Stuttgart 2021).
"Don’t just criticise, create!" Interview with Sander Booij, builder and renovator of organs
This is the seventh instalment of our new interview series called, “Don’t just criticise, create!” David Engels speaks with European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists, and artisans who have each decided not only to lament 'the decline of the West' but also to endeavour to help reverse it. They have done this by making something new, and also perhaps something beautiful, true, and good.
David Engels
Interview with Anna Tompson, member of the “European Fraternity”
This is the eighth instalment of our new interview series, called “Don’t just criticise, create!” David Engels speaks with European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists, and artisans who have each decided not only to lament 'the decline of the West' but also to endeavour to help reverse it. They have done this by making something new, and also perhaps something beautiful, true, and good.
David Engels
Deliberatio.eu: Prof. David Engels & Propst Dr. Gerald Goesche
Propst Dr. Gerald Goesche leitet das Institut St. Philipp Neri in Berlin, eine kleine, traditionell katholische Gemeinde mitten im Herzen der weitgehend atheistischen und linksliberalen Bundeshauptstadt. David Engels sprach mit ihm für "Deliberatio" über seine Mission, das Leben in Berlin, die lateinische Messe, die Zukunft des Christentums und das Streben nach dem Wahren, Schönen und Guten.
David Engels
'Don't just criticise, create!': Interview with Francesco Giubilei, founder and director of “Nazione Futura”
This is the ninth instalment of our new interview series, called “Don’t just criticise, create!” David Engels speaks with European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists, and artisans who have each decided not only to lament 'the decline of the West' but also to endeavour to help reverse it.
David Engels
'Don't Just Criticise, Create!' Interview with Antoine Dresse - Creator of the Channel “Ego Non”
This is the tenth instalment of our new interview series called, "Don't just criticise, create!" David Engels speaks with European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists, and artisans who have each decided not only to lament 'the decline of the West' but also to endeavour to help reverse it.
David Engels
'Don't just criticise, create!': Interview with Wolfgang Fenske, Director of the "Library of Conservatism"
This is the twelfth instalment of our new interview series called, "Don't just criticise, create!" David Engels speaks with European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists, and artisans who have each decided not only to lament 'the decline of the West' but also to endeavour to help reverse it. They have done this by making something new, and also perhaps something beautiful, true, and good.
David Engels
'Don't Just Criticise, Create!': Interview with Andreas Lombard - Member of the Executive Board of the Thomas Hoof Group
Dear Mr Lombard, most readers undoubtedly still know you as the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Cato - Magazin für neue Sachlichkeit" (Cato - Magazine for New Objectivity), which you helped to achieve a real cult status in the German media landscape between 2017 and 2021.
David Engels
Man Without Nature – Nature Without Man. The anti-transcendent roots of green ideology and how to oppose them
For a long time now, "environmentalism" has ceased to be a simple “one-subject lobby”, but has transformed into a comprehensive ideology, generally perceived to be situated on the left side of the political spectrum and increasingly aggressive in its aims and methods.
David Engels
Six Years in Poland
Your Excellencies, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, I would like to express my warmest thanks to