David Engels
Chair of Roman History at the University of Brussels (ULB) and currently works as research professor at the Instytut Zachodni in Poznań, Poland. Author and editor of numerous scholarly books as well as essays for the larger media. He is most well-known for his books "Le Déclin" (Paris 2013); "Renovatio Europae" (Groningen 2019); "Was tun" (Bad Schmiedeberg 2020); "Oswald Spengler" (Stuttgart 2021).
The Essence of Things - Hesperialism
In the fifth episode of "The Essence of Things", we discuss the topic of philosophy of history and the concept of hesperialism.
David Engels
Tolkien's Birthday
No doubt: whoever reads Tolkien’s work with at least an ounce of sympathy for the traditions and for the history that made the greatness of the West cannot escape deep fascination, as Tolkien has managed to shape a “subcreation” that is the mythopoetical quintessence of everything that the defines our civilisation – for the best as for the worst. Indeed, Tolkien’s oeuvre is much more than just a medley, a pastiche of diverse narrative strands; it is a unique recasting that convincingly makes all later traditions look and even feel like much later variations of the true, “original” stories as contained in his own legendarium.
David Engels
Interview: prof. David Engels in conversation with Léon Krier
Léon Krier est l'un des architectes néo-traditionalistes les plus connus de notre génération. David Engels vient de profiter de son passage récent à Varsovie pour lui poser une série de questions sur la situation de l'art, de la société et de la politique dans l'occident moderne. Léon Krier is one of the best known neo-traditionalist architects of our generation. David Engels took the opportunity of his recent visit to Warsaw to ask him a series of questions about the state of art, society and politics in the modern West.
David Engels
Interview: prof. David Engels in conversation with prof. Heinz Theisen
Im Gespräch mit Prof. Heinz Theisen. Wie steht es mit den "westlichen Werten": Kann der moralistische Universalismus auch im 21. Jh. immer noch eine realistische politische Richtschnur im Umgang mit den aufstrebenden außereuropäischen Mächten sein? Und wenn nicht, was soll an seine Stelle treten?
David Engels
“Don’t just criticise, create!” Interview with Gerd Morgenthaler, member of the “Network for Academic Freedom”
This is the third instalment of our new interview series called, “Don’t just criticise, create!” David Engels speaks with European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists, and artisans who have each decided not only to lament 'the decline of the West' but also to endeavour to help reverse it. They have done this by making something new, and also perhaps something beautiful, true, and good.
David Engels
"Don't just criticise, create!": Interview with Victor Aubert, Director of Academia Christiana
This is the fourth episode of our new interview series entitled "Don't just criticise, create! David Engels talks to European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists and craftsmen who have decided not only to lament the "decline of the West", but also to try to help reverse it. They did so by creating something new - and perhaps also something beautiful, true and good.
David Engels
Germany on the Wrong Track: The “Synodal Way” – a Second Reformation?
If something has become clear in recent years or decades, it is the impression that Germany is increasingly moving away from all that is considered common practice by its neighbours.