Ferenc Almássy
He is an independent Franco-Hungarian journalist
specialised in Central Europe, France and migration related issues,
founder and editor-in-chief of the Visegrád Post. He is also working
with French TV Libertés, Hungarian weekly paper “Magyar Demokrata”,
the daily "Magyar Nemzet", and other media.
What to remember from Viktor Orbán's State of the Nation Address?
Every year in mid-February, Viktor Orbán holds a major speech to take stock of the past year and announce the main lines of the coming year, while highlighting the main elements of his vision and strategy.
Ferenc Almássy
Vaincre ou mourir: the motto of the French cinema of Resistance
French cinema, like many others, had its heyday in the 1960s and 70s. Since then, while great directors have produced some notable works, French cinema as a whole has clearly been not as rich and bright as in the past. The stars have faded and even the big budgets no longer guarantee any quality, either in content or in form.
Ferenc Almássy
What happened to the Hungarian cockade?
Pest, 15 March 1848, 8 a.m. Spring is approaching fast, the weather is finally mild after a long winter. In Pilvax, a café in the city centre close to Franciscan Square, six men are meeting. The discussions are heated, revolutionary fever has been brewing for several days.
Ferenc Almássy
The European Union is changing its nature: are we aware of this?
The 'Founding Fathers' dreamt of a lasting European peace after the worst war in history. The official EU narrative tells us that the starting point of that project was a project for a common economic area. A voluntary cooperation of sovereign states aimed at reconstruction of the battered Europe has gradually evolved, with institutions that were to optimise this continental collaboration.
Ferenc Almássy
Country Report: Hungary, April 2023
Between 28 and 30 April, Pope Francis travelled to Hungary on an apostolic visit. During that time, he met with Hungarian leaders, visited the faithful and immigrants, and celebrated a large open-air mass in front of the parliament.
Ferenc Almássy
Is the end of private cars coming soon?
For better or worse, the car has revolutionised our way of life, drastically changing our relationship with space. I do not intend to take stock of this revolution here and now.
Ferenc Almássy
On the hypocrisy of progressives
If there's one fascinating thing about the progressives, it's that they never really stop on the road to progress. And even when the discovery of their new advances leads us to believe that their model is not sustainable, so devoid of common sense does their madness seem, paradoxically, this permanent progress tends to prove them right: Progress ostensibly knows no limits.
Ferenc Almássy
The Trap of Legal Immigration
Since 2015, immigration has become a major issue in Central Europe where, since the fall of Soviet communism, it was rather emigration that was the main social phenomenon. However, since the famous "migrant crisis" along the Balkan route, a lot has changed. And the faces you see in the streets of Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Bratislava are changing too.
Ferenc Almássy
Country Report: Hungary
Following the success of the first European CPAC in Budapest last year, the meeting of conservatives who gravitate towards the US Republicans was held again in Budapest at the beginning of May.