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Ferenc Almássy

He is an independent Franco-Hungarian journalist
specialised in Central Europe, France and migration related issues,
founder and editor-in-chief of the Visegrád Post. He is also working
with French TV Libertés, Hungarian weekly paper “Magyar Demokrata”,
the daily "Magyar Nemzet", and other media.

It's Not a Revolt, Sire, It's a Secession

At the beginning of July, we witnessed further rioting and looting across France. Although President Macron, with the nerve and arrogance only he is capable of, pretended to find this event surprising, everyone had been expecting it, at least since 2005 and the last large-scale riots in the suburbs.

Ferenc Almássy

10 min

Monthly Country Report: Hungary

On 8 June, the interior ministers of the 27 EU Member States approved by a qualified majority in Brussels a migration agreement that the European Commission described as "a historic agreement reached this evening between Member States on two key texts of the Pact on Migration and Asylum".

Ferenc Almássy

5 min

Digital Service Act: Censorship, the new value of the European Union

The entry into force of the Digital Service Act (DSA) at the end of August marks a worrying turning point in the development of the European Union and its relationship to freedom of expression.

Ferenc Almássy

5 min