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Francesco Giubilei

Francesco Giubilei

Francesco Giubilei, publisher and writer, is president of
Fondazione Tatarella, one of the main Italian conservative foundations
and adjunct professor at the Giustino Fortunato University of
Benevento. He writes for Il Giornale and has published ten books in
Italy translated in the United States, Hungary, Spain and Serbia. In
2017 he founded the think tank Nazione Futura and he collaborates with
various international magazines including The European Conservative
and has been included by Forbes among the 100 most influential young
people under 30 in Italy.

Report: The first 100 days of Giorgia Meloni's conservative government

The government led by Giorgia Meloni has reached its first milestone: 100 days in power. Such a result, especially in a parliamentary system as dynamic as the Italian one, provides an additional value not to be taken for granted.

Francesco Giubilei

Pasquale Ferraro

10 min

The centre-right wins in Lazio and Lombardy and strengthens the government

On 12-13 February 2023, votes were cast in Lombardy and Lazio, two of the main Italian regions where the cities of Milan and Rome are located. Lombardy is one of Europe's most important economic regions with 10 million inhabitants and a gross domestic product higher than many European states.

Francesco Giubilei

6 min

Country Report: Italy, January 2023

Italy's new foreign policy between support for Kiev and the Mediterranean gas pipeline. 

Francesco Giubilei

Pasquale Ferraro

6 min

The Right and the Organisation of Culture

The Sardinian thinker concentrates on the process of the formation of intellectuals in a civil and political society. After specifying the role of Italian intellectuals abroad and their cosmopolitan function, he dwells on the organisation of culture and related issues.

Francesco Giubilei

7 min

The problem of mass immigration to Europe - a critical analysis

The growing migratory pressure at Europe's borders has shown clearly that, despite the already obvious problems involved, the migratory inflow is not being tackled with the necessary determination by the EU institutions. Yet irregular immigration is a problem that does not concern a single country but the whole of Europe.

Francesco Giubilei

8 min

The Italian nation after the Unification of Italy

The terms nation and state, sometimes erroneously used as synonyms in public debate, actually represent two different concepts. It is precisely from this distinction that we must start if we wish to define the genesis and cultural references that constitute the Italian philosophical tradition.

Francesco Giubilei

7 min

Meritocracy as “Racist” and “Imperialist” – towards a New, “Inclusive” Elite?

The “people versus elite” dichotomy, a distinctive feature of the populist (and to some extent sovereignist) discourse, continues to hold sway in contemporary political debate. Over recent years, however, the composition of Western and European elites has changed, and they have not only moved further and further away from the needs of the people, but have also become radicalised.

Francesco Giubilei

5 min

Conservatives and Classical Liberals - What to Choose?

In a political and cultural context as changeable as the contemporary one, any use of  rigid categories to define parties and alignments or thinkers and men of culture can be misleading.

Francesco Giubilei

6 min

Interview with Marie d’Armagnac

The protests that have shaken France in recent days have their roots in decades of flawed social and cultural policies that need to be investigated in order to understand how such a potentially explosive situation came about.

Francesco Giubilei

7 min