Patrick Edery
Director of the European strategy and development consultancy Partenaire Europe, editorialist, columnist and speaker on French radio, press, TV and internet media in France and Poland.
Interview: Patrick Edery speaks with Fabien Bouglé - energy policy expert
Fabien Bouglé is an energy policy expert. His warnings have, among other things, contributed to the French government putting an end to the purchase of electricity from offshore wind turbines at exorbitant prices. He is the author of Nucléaire les vérités cachées (2021) and Eoliennes la face noire de la transition écologique (2019).
Patrick Edery
Is France in a terminal phase of dechristianisation?
The situation of the Catholic Church in France is particularly worrying. The number of priests has been gradually decreasing for several years. In the early 1960s, there were 41,000 priests in office. In 1995, there were 29,000, and in 2020 half that number, or about 14,000. What is more, half of the French priests are over 75 years old. Every year now between 600 and 700 priests leave, and their departure is far from being compensated for by the few hundred new priests who take up their duties.
Patrick Edery
What dangers hide behind AI and ChatGPT?
A decade ago we were told that manual jobs would disappear and that only professions with a strong creative or intellectual character would remain. But with the revolution in Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT or Mid-journey, it seems that journalists, lawyers, computer scientists, analysts, doctors, cartoonists, webmasters, actors, authors, scriptwriters and artists are also likely to disappear en masse.
Patrick Edery
Country Report: France, April 2023 - Is France in a political or institutional crisis?
The month of April has been marked by two major events in France. First, the continuing protest against the pension reform, which, for many experts, constitutes a regime crisis that could lead to a Sixth Republic.
Patrick Edery
Six great misunderstandings about Russia
To read the thoughts of many French opinion leaders and their supporters on social networks about Russia is to despair of humanity. They base almost all their analyses on misunderstandings that can only lead to erroneous conclusions.
Patrick Edery
Country Report: France, May 2023 - social mixing and fight against transphobia are only good for the children of the masses, not for those of the establishment
In France, social mixing and fight against transphobia are only good for the children of the masses, not for those of the establishment.
Patrick Edery
The juicy business of pro-Russian influencers made possible by the mass media
On social networks, it's easier to gain an audience than to make money. There are a number of solutions for monetising the audience - some more ethical than others.
Patrick Edery
It is time for Paris to stop believing the Russian anti-Polish narrative and clean up its act
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the solidarity shown by Poles towards Ukrainians, negative articles against Warsaw in the French press have considerably decreased.
Patrick Edery
France: Are the scandals of the "Progressive Circus" premeditated?
In my editorial of 11 June (LINK), I began telling you about the 'Progressive Circus' to explain the passivity of the French people in the face of the incredible hypocrisy of their ruling elites.
Patrick Edery
Country Report: France, June 2023 - What do the riots in France reveal about the world ahead?
The whole world was stunned by the images of violence in France triggered by the death of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk, who was shot dead by a police officer after refusing to obey his command.
Patrick Edery
The Worrying State of Pluralism in the French Media
The French press likes to give lessons on democracy, European values and the rule of law. Yet France is certainly one of the democracies where the lack of pluralism, the almost totalitarian unanimity of the media, is most worrying. French journalists are very concerned about press freedom in Poland, but in that country, 2/3 of the mass media are against the government and fire red-hot bullets at it every day.
Patrick Edery
In France, police violence has become systemic since Emmanuel Macron came to power
If you ask a French person if they are going to demonstrate - a commonplace act in any democracy - it is not uncommon for them to reply that they prefer not to take any risks, so virulent has the policing of demonstrations become.