Claudiu Târziu: “EU must return to its roots, to its foundations and to normality”
Claudiu Târziu is a renowned Romanian public figure. He is respected not only for his political activity in the Romanian Senate, but also for his work in culture, journalism and civil society, especially in the defence of life and the family. In September 2019, he was the protagonist of the launch, together with George Simion, of the political platform Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor (Alliance for the Union of Romanians), known as AUR. Târziu is also president of the "Mihai Eminescu" Institute for Conservative Political Studies. His party is currently contesting for the first place in the presidential and European elections in 2024, being a candidate for the European Parliament.
José Papparelli: “Family, Homeland, Faith and Freedom” are the traditional principles of conservatism and AUR, also shared by other European political forces. In 2024, AUR will almost certainly enter the European Parliament. What will be your parliamentary priority? What can AUR do to contribute to the so-called “Conservative Revolution”?
Claudiu Târziu: The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) party, on whose front we have inscribed the four cardinal values you’ve mentioned, will be Romania's number one party after next year's European parliamentary elections. This may seem a bit ambitious, but I can assure you it is true. We expect to win at least 15 seats, so that in Brussels and Strasbourg we will have honest and skilled defenders of the Romanian nation.
I am convinced that, with a consistent vote, AUR will contribute to the rebirth and reconstruction of the European Union, in accordance with its authentic values, with the values assumed by its visionary founding fathers. We all see how the Christian faith is persecuted today - even by those who claim to be lovers of freedom.
We, who represent the national-conservative forces, have an obligation to stem this Bolshevik-inspired tide that seeks to enslave and destroy our souls.
Conservative Revolution is not just a nice-sounding concept. It is a reality in full swing. With the accession of many more MEPs to represent this huge movement and fight for our cause, I assure you that we will no longer be those “outsiders” as some try to describe us. When normality and our very existence are under siege, we know there is no time to lose.
As far as I am concerned, I will run on the list of the AUR party and will make sure that our fight is fought with all the efforts and resources at our disposal.
Your party has achieved a very impressive growth over a very short time. What is the main reason of this phenomenon?
Claudiu Târziu: Yes, it was an increase that surprised some people, but not us. Indeed, in less than a year after its founding, the AUR party entered the Romanian legislature, winning 10% of the parliamentary seats, which may have come as a shock to some of the public. We believe, however, that this extraordinary result, this miracle of St. Nicholas, as we keep calling it (the last parliamentary elections in Romania took place on 6 December 2020, when Christians celebrate St. Nicholas), was a direct and natural consequence of a continuing and growing spirit favorable to the national-conservative current on the one hand, and of the society’s growing discontent with the behavior and decisions, sometimes irrational, of the socialist and the liberal parties on the other hand. Today, more than two and a half years after our accession to the Romanian Parliament, the majority of opinion polls - commissioned by our political opponents themselves - give us between 25 and 30% of Romanians' voting choices. This is a development that we consider natural.
As a parliamentary party, AUR has acted as the main opposition force and has demonstrated, both through its public messages and through the two hundred legislative proposals it has initiated and supported, that it is the only political party that understands the needs and wishes of the Romanian people.
Indeed, AUR is a special phenomenon. Not so much because of its rise - spectacular, according to some opinions, or normal, according to others - but mainly because it reflects the authentic Romanian spirit. AUR is the movement of a nation that has woken up to reality.
What is the vision of the Romanian people concerning the current European Union?
Claudiu Târziu: The majority of Romanians are in favor of the European Union, but of a Union which implies close economic cooperation between sovereign and equal states, as it was originally conceived.
What we see today - and the process is by no means recent - is a well-laid plan to complete what Soviet Russia attempted, by extending Communism 2.0 to the whole of Europe.
Globalism is another form of atheistic imperialism, which despises and strikes directly at the national specificity and identity of peoples.
The idea of a possible departure from the European Union - such as RO-EXIT - has no supporters in our country. And how could there be any, given that there are several million Romanians living in the Member States, many of whom have parents, siblings and entire families still living in Romania?
The essential question, which probably all Europeans, not only Romanians, ask themselves, is what kind of Union do we want for ourselves and our children? A neo-Soviet EU in which citizens are subject to absolute monitoring and the dictates of a delusional and dehumanizing ideology? Or a European Union where we live in security and mutual respect, where we prosper and feel truly at home? The question is, of course, rhetorical.
Are the Community regulations such as climate laws, Nature Restoration, the so-called Green Deal, or those more related to gender ideology, discussed or accepted in general by Romanians?
Claudiu Târziu: All this ideological nonsense, which the globalist left tries to impose, is met with much skepticism and is generally rejected by the majority of Romanians. In fact, AUR is the first political party to put these issues on the public agenda, from a different perspective than that supported by Brussels today.
If the society is divided, this is not because of the AUR party, but because of those elusive measures and policies promoted by the globalist elite and its lobbyists.
Take, for example, the so-called green transition. I have said it before and I do not hesitate to reiterate it again and again: the Green Deal objectives are fantasy, they have no connection with the reality and social needs, but they are obsessively promoted by the radical left.
The fundamental - and rhetorical - question is: why undermine and even destroy our own industry, with devastating consequences for the society, when what we should be doing is to strictly pursue our national interests, as Poland is doing, and ask Brussels to show us due respect?
We are no worse off than the other Member States.
Gender ideology? A total nonsense, aimed at brainwashing us into losing our conscience and the values we inherited from our parents and ancestors.
Thank God, Romanians, for the most part unequivocally reject such distortion. With the exception of a minority, which is aggressive and benefits from huge subsidies from abroad, our compatriots do not even want to hear about these ravings of some misguided minds.
Conservative, sovereignist, patriotic and identity-oriented European parties have been advancing lately, bringing their positions closer, trying to change the majorities in Brussels. What is your vision for this process? Do you think that it will be possible to change the parliamentary majorities of the European Union, thanks to the agreements and actions of the groups of conservative and identity parties?
Claudiu Târziu: As I said, this trend is growing everywhere in Europe. This is a historic and defining moment, and the outcome of the next European elections will be decisive for evolution of the EU.
I believe not only that this change is possible, but that it is absolutely necessary if we want to revive Europe on the foundations on which it was built. The change of majority in the European Parliament will also lead to a change in the composition of the Commission.
We, the AUR, are fully aware of the sensitivities and even animosities between certain conservative parties that would make unity at European level almost impossible. However, we are of the opinion that bilateral differences should remain in the background and that we should try to find a solution to them later.
Our priority, everyone's priority, must be a genuine and profound reform of the Union. But we will not be able to achieve it unless national-conservative forces win a majority in the European Parliament and in the Commission. The vote in June 2024 will be crucial. A victory for the socialists and their allies and preservation of the status quo will bring forced ideologization, impoverishment and ruin to the whole of Europe.
What Europe does Romania need? What Romania needs Europe?
Claudiu Târziu: Romania is the sixth most populous country and the eighth largest in the European Union. As I said earlier, millions of Romanians live in the Member States, with the largest communities living and working in Spain, Italy and Germany - in total, there are over 3.5 million ethnic Romanians in those three countries.
I am making these points to emphasize that, in addition to its geopolitical position, which is of vital importance for the stability of the entire continent, Romania must play the role it deserves on the European stage.
But Europe is much more than the European Union, and as long as the EU does not return to its roots, to its foundations and to normality, we will all lose.
The EU's only solution is to become a Union of Nations, founded on the values and traditions of the Christian Right. This is the EU's salvation!
A morally-spiritually and socio-politically healthy European Union would guarantee mutual respect, internal security and effective and fair cooperation between nations. The soul of Europe is Christian, and it must remain so.
We need such a Europe: strong and just, prosperous, ensuring peace and giving its citizens a sense of confidence and peace of mind. A Europe in which we could walk and explore with love.
As for my country, I am not exaggerating at all when I say that Romania is one of the richest countries, with natural and human resources for which we are envied. A dignified Romania in a strong Europe is what we want and what we believe we will achieve. For this we need a government that strictly pursues the national interest and statesmen who defend their national land and pursue the welfare of the whole society. So help us God!
The Spanish version of this text has been published by:
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