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Even the Poets are Killing: Fico and the New Iron Curtain

The Slovak 'Lee Harvey Oswald' was a 71 year old poet. It's what poets do these days. No waltzing around daffodils in the Lake District or smoking Opium a la Coleridge.

Brian Patrick Bolger

5 min

The Goodness of Europe and the Evil of this World

A striking feature of our times is that we are confronted with two radically opposed assessments of the spiritual state of contemporary Europe.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

12 min

Culture Wars 2.0

SarsCov-2 is not the only pandemic that has spread around the world in the past year. The culture wars players who have been shuffling and drawing cards for the past five years lived to see the ideal conditions for a new hand; when the out-of-touch president of the world's most powerful superpower began seeking re-election in a reality paralyzed by a global pandemic, the culture wars entered a new phase of play.

Jan Tarnas

10 min
