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On Confusion in Contemporary Art

There is perhaps no more heated dispute in culture than that concerning contemporary art.

Maciej Mazurek

15 min

Why Beauty Matters?

The fight against Western civilization is being waged on multiple fronts, encompassing the vast domain of culture.

Jan Tarnas

10 min

The Goodness of Europe and the Evil of this World

A striking feature of our times is that we are confronted with two radically opposed assessments of the spiritual state of contemporary Europe.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

12 min

China and the New Nomos of the Earth  

The world stands at a paradigm shift; a thunder of meeting, fighting tectonic plates. Vaclav Klaus, in his latest article in 'The Hungarian Conservative' laments the passing of an old order. The move from one epoch to another is reminiscent of Mathew Arnold's poem 'Dover Beach' where the ebbing of the sea of faith had ceased caressing the shores of the world.

Brian Patrick Bolger

10 min

Roger Scruton Returns Home

After Sir Roger Scruton’s death, it was written about him that he was a profound but controversial thinker. Well, shallow thinkers, including philosophers, are indeed usually not controversial because avoiding at all costs theses that might be controversial inevitably leads to shallow thought.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

20 min
