Álvaro Peñas
Spanish redactor of deliberatio.eu, contributor to Disidentia, The European Conservative, The American and other European media. International analyst, specialising in Eastern Europe, for the television channel 7NN. Author at SND editores.
Spanish redactor of deliberatio.eu, contributor to Disidentia, The European Conservative, The American and other European media. International analyst, specialising in Eastern Europe, for the television channel 7NN. Author at SND editores.
Interview with Yobana Carril
“I never thought that in Spain I would see that the same crime committed by two individuals would be punished differently depending on their sex”
Álvaro Peñas
Alejandro Peña Esclusa: “Fraud is a crucial issue for the future of democracy in the West, because democracy is literally being stolen from us”
Interview with Alejandro Peña Esclusa, engineer, writer, analyst and political consultant. A pioneer of the first protests in his country against the Chavista regime, he was imprisoned for a year in El Helicoide (a prison notorious for its torture) and is still a political prisoner of conscience. An expert on the Sao Paulo Forum, he has written several books on the subject and has just published “Los Fraudes Electorales del Foro de Sao Paulo” (The electoral frauds of the Sao Paulo Forum).
Álvaro Peñas
Country Report: Spain & Portugal, March 2023
The political news in Spain in March was marked, much to the chagrin of the mainstream media, by the motion of censure presented by VOX against Pedro Sánchez’s government.
Álvaro Peñas
Interview with José de Carvalho: 'Portuguese history is not a crime'
José António Ribeiro de Carvalho is a history professor and researcher. A regular contributor to national and regional newspapers on politics, ideology and education, he is the author of several books.
Álvaro Peñas
Francisco Floro: 'Basically, this invasion is about the reconstruction of the former Soviet space'.
Interview with Francisco Floro, Spanish volunteer in Ukraine.
Álvaro Peñas
Interview with Ludwig Brühl - ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) International
“There is no place in a free society for the punishing of individuals who share their peaceful and honest views on the important issues of our time”
Álvaro Peñas
Country Report: Spain & Portugal, April 2023
With one month to go before the next regional and local elections in Spain, the political parties have begun the electoral pre-campaign, with events and rallies becoming more and more frequent.
Álvaro Peñas
Manuel Acosta: “Since the very foundation of Spain, neither Catalonia could be understood without Spain, nor Spain without Catalonia”
Interview with Manuel Acosta Elías, PhD in Hispanic Philology, graduate in Geography and History from the University of Barcelona and VOX MP for Barcelona in the Parliament of Catalonia, where he is the spokesman for the University, Culture and Education Committees.
Álvaro Peñas
Spain turns right and Sánchez calls elections
The local and regional elections held on 28 May marked a turning point in Spanish politics. The most obvious summary is a clear victory of the Right and a debacle of the Left, whose most radical version practically disappears from the institutions.
Álvaro Peñas
Rubén Herrero de Castro: “Russia wanted to behave like a superpower, but it is not”.
Interview with Rubén Herrero de Castro, PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid and Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science at the same university. He is a researcher at the Franklin Institute of the University of Alcalá de Henares and the Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation. Author of several books, including The Invented Reality.
Álvaro Peñas
Nicolás Márquez: “Allende was a usurper of power who had to be deposed by force because he was surrounded by terrorists and foreign agents”.
Interview with Nicolás Márquez, essayist and political analyst.
Álvaro Peñas
Tanja Brkić: 'The woke agenda, which hides behind a »benevolent« mask, represents evil. An evil that must be destroyed'
When I look at the current situation in Slovenia in the political space, I can definitely say that cultural Marxism is not just a myth.