Álvaro Peñas
Spanish redactor of deliberatio.eu, contributor to Disidentia, The European Conservative, The American and other European media. International analyst, specialising in Eastern Europe, for the television channel 7NN. Author at SND editores.
Spanish redactor of deliberatio.eu, contributor to Disidentia, The European Conservative, The American and other European media. International analyst, specialising in Eastern Europe, for the television channel 7NN. Author at SND editores.
Just Another War of Conquest
No “denazification”, no protection of minorities, no NATO... the invasion of Ukraine is a war of conquest. The existential threat to Russia is the existence of a Ukrainian state.
Álvaro Peñas
The Wall
The Berlin Wall fell, but the world is once again divided by an invisible wall. The West that faced the Cold War and bloc politics was stronger than the West we live in today, with disastrous policies and a complete lack of faith in ourselves, but still no one jumps over the wall to the other side.
Álvaro Peñas
Father Góngora: “If we absent ourselves from public spheres, we are negligently conceding ground to the enemy to spread his lies”
The Sacristy of the Vendée is a means to a clear objective: to propose the worldview of the Catholic tradition in times of moral relativism and ethical circumstantialism.
Álvaro Peñas
Alejandro Peña Esclusa: “Classical art is a way of evangelising through beauty”
Interview with Alejandro Peña Esclusa, engineer, writer, analyst and political consultant.
Álvaro Peñas
Estefanía Meléndez: “Venezuela, like Russia, plays on fear and propaganda, but that can backfire”
Estefanía Meléndez is is a Venezuelan opposition activist who, during Venezuela's presidential crisis in 2019, was appointed by the National Assembly as Venezuela’s ambassador to Bulgaria with “concurrent” work to North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania.
Álvaro Peñas
Time for AUR?
According to the latest polls, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), born in 2019, would be the first choice for the majority of Romanians in the next European elections, and could win up to 12 MEPs.
Álvaro Peñas
“There is much more that unites Spain and Hispanic America than what differentiates us”: An Interview with Manuel Fuentes Márquez
In the television programme El mejor de la historia, broadcast by La 1 of Radiotelevisión Española, Hernán Cortés is described by one of the participants as an “animal” and an “impressive murderer”. The black legend is widespread in Spain, and Hernán Cortés, like other conquistadors, is portrayed in a very negative light. To discuss his historical relevance and the many myths that surround him, I spoke to Manuel Fuentes Márquez, a historian, researcher, and author of the Spanish history website Libros y Lanzas.
Álvaro Peñas
“Presenting truthful information that shows the reality in Ukraine is crucial to dispel doubts”: An Interview with Andrey Buzarov
Andrey Buzarov is an international relations expert, political adviser, and consultant.
Álvaro Peñas
The Worst Kind of Men
In Mel Gibson’s acclaimed film Braveheart, the infamous English king, Edward “Longshanks” meets with the leading nobles of the realm to decide how to approach control of Scotland.
Álvaro Peñas
“Russia is exploiting divisions in Moldova”: An Interview with Dionis Cenusa
Dionis Cenusa is an associate expert at EESC (Eastern European Studies Centre) and a researcher and Ph.D. student at the Institute of Political Science at Justus Lybig University in Giessen, Germany.
Álvaro Peñas
“The demonstrations in Georgia are not going to slow down because we know what is at stake”: An interview with Nona Mamulashvili
The only way to defeat them is through elections, but when almost the entire state is in the hands of an oligarchy, you need enormous support to be able to reverse the situation.
Álvaro Peñas
Make Europe Great Again. The international conservative conference in Romania and the return to normality
The last weekend of April we were in Bucharest to attend the MEGA - Make Europe Great Again event held in the Romanian parliament.