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José Luis Orella: "The degradation of the national community and society generates weaker, more impressionable and manageable people".

osé Luis Orella is a lecturer in Contemporary History at the CEU San Pablo University, PhD in Contemporary History, specialising in political thought in Spain and Central Europe from the University of Deusto and in Political Law from the UNED.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

Seen from Warsaw, seen from Brussels: Was German reunification a mistake?

How can one even pose such a question? After all, we recognise the principle of the right of nations to self-determination, to independence, to decide their fate, and to independently make collective decisions.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

8 min

“The political force that will stop the neo-Marxist madness comes from Bucharest”: An interview with George Simion

George Simion is an economist and historian who is well acquainted with the crimes of communism. He is member of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, president and founder of the AUR party (Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor – Alliance for the Union of Romanians), which today is fighting for the lead in the presidential and European elections in 2024.

José Papparelli

15 min

Corruption sinks Portuguese socialism

Socialism has the peculiarity that it impoverishes the countries in which it governs, but makes those who govern rich. In Portugal, after a year of corruption scandals involving ministers and senior members of the Socialist Party, it has finally been the turn of Prime Minister António Costa.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

France: Jews in danger

Since the Hamas pogrom in Israel on 7 October, the number of anti-Semitic acts in France has soared to 1,518, according to the French Minister of the Interior.

Patrick Edery

8 min

Pedro Fernández Barbadillo: “The Left has always known how to support its own; on the Right there are many who have yet to learn this lesson”

Pedro Fernández Barbadillo is a journalist and contributor to various media, such as “Libertad Digital”, “Actuall” or “Informa Radio”.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

Quo vadis, Spain?

“In the interest of Spain, I defend today the amnesty in Catalonia for the events that have taken place”.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

Towards a 3rd World War or a 2nd Cold War?

It seems increasingly difficult to deny Huntington's claim about the clash of civilisations.

Patrick Edery

7 min

France: a chimerical rule of law that undermines the credibility of the State and delegitimizes the law

Once again, a professor - Dominique Bernard - has been murdered. Once again, the perpetrator had no business to be in France and should have been deported long ago.

Patrick Edery

5 min

Interview with Philippe Fabry on the world today and tomorrow

Interview with Philippe Fabry (French historian, geopolitologist and essayist) to mark the publication of an English translation of one of his major works: "Les impérialistes revanchards: Poutine, Hitler, Bonaparte et les autres...".

Patrick Edery

5 min

"Never so many immigrants!" Italy's cry for help

A flow of immigrants never seen before. Every day, hundreds and hundreds of arrivals on Italian coasts are bringing reception workers to their knees.

Francesco Giubilei

Jacopo Ugolini

4 min
