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Time for AUR?

According to the latest polls, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), born in 2019, would be the first choice for the majority of Romanians in the next European elections, and could win up to 12 MEPs.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

Estefanía Meléndez: “Venezuela, like Russia, plays on fear and propaganda, but that can backfire”

Estefanía Meléndez is is a Venezuelan opposition activist who, during Venezuela's presidential crisis in 2019, was appointed by the National Assembly as Venezuela’s ambassador to Bulgaria with “concurrent” work to North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

Alejandro Peña Esclusa: “Classical art is a way of evangelising through beauty”

Interview with Alejandro Peña Esclusa, engineer, writer, analyst and political consultant.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

No More Legal Formalism

The essence of Poland’s conflict with the European Union concerned the extent to which the parliamentary majority could make political decisions that faced criticism and resistance from the courts and whether European law provided for it.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

10 min

Father Góngora: “If we absent ourselves from public spheres, we are negligently conceding ground to the enemy to spread his lies”

The Sacristy of the Vendée is a means to a clear objective: to propose the worldview of the Catholic tradition in times of moral relativism and ethical circumstantialism.

Álvaro Peñas

4 min

The Wall

The Berlin Wall fell, but the world is once again divided by an invisible wall. The West that faced the Cold War and bloc politics was stronger than the West we live in today, with disastrous policies and a complete lack of faith in ourselves, but still no one jumps over the wall to the other side.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

Just Another War of Conquest

No “denazification”, no protection of minorities, no NATO... the invasion of Ukraine is a war of conquest. The existential threat to Russia is the existence of a Ukrainian state.

Álvaro Peñas

4 min

The Battle for History

Despite the European Parliament’s condemnation of communist totalitarianism, “progressive” governments try to erase the memory of its victims.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

Nacho Montes de Oca: “The best way to disarm the Russian propaganda is to go back to the basic point, which are values”

Nacho Montes de Oca is an Argentinean writer and journalist, known for his books of essays dedicated to historical research and analysis of wars and other contemporary conflicts.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

The Tsar’s Penal Army

“I had been in the colony (prison) for four and a half years when Wagner came to recruit us.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

The Worst Possible Government

On 16 November, Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as president with the support of the communists and all the pro-independence forces present in the Spanish parliament.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min
