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France: towards chaos?

All the polls and commentators had predicted that Marine Le Pen's National Rally would win the European elections in France with more than 31% of the vote, more than twice the score of President Macron's party, which came second with 14%.

Patrick Edery

6 min

“The West dropped its guard and was slow to recognise the emergence of a new, revanchist dictator in Russia”: An Interview with Geoffrey van Orden

Geoffrey Van Orden is a former British army brigadier-general who subsequently spent 20 years as a Member of the European Parliament.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

Seen From Warsaw, Seen From Brussels: The Final Report

What does not understand Poland's situation are those – or they simply do not care about Poland – who think that there is no problem at all, that the European Union always acts in accordance with our interests and values, and that it is enough to implement its regulations and directives.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

10 min

“Chechnya lives under a regime of terror where dissent is not allowed”: An interview with Marta Ter Ferrer

In Chechnya there is such absolute control that opposition is impossible. Criticising Kadyrov can result in a beating, public humiliation or even having your relatives’ house burned down.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

How the Right Splits on the Israel and Ukraine Topics

The 21st century is turning out to be far more bizarre than anyone had anticipated. The geopolitical realm certainly warrants that characterisation and on the currently more divisive conflicts, the rising right-wing camp is divided in more ways than one.

Miguel Nunes Silva

6 min

Make Europe Great Again. The international conservative conference in Romania and the return to normality

The last weekend of April we were in Bucharest to attend the MEGA - Make Europe Great Again event held in the Romanian parliament.

Álvaro Peñas

José Papparelli

5 min

“The demonstrations in Georgia are not going to slow down because we know what is at stake”: An interview with Nona Mamulashvili

The only way to defeat them is through elections, but when almost the entire state is in the hands of an oligarchy, you need enormous support to be able to reverse the situation.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

“Russia is exploiting divisions in Moldova”: An Interview with Dionis Cenusa

Dionis Cenusa is an associate expert at EESC (Eastern European Studies Centre) and a researcher and Ph.D. student at the Institute of Political Science at Justus Lybig University in Giessen, Germany.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

NatCon, the Debacle of Democracy and the Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Democracy, despite common parlance, is not a modern construction. There has always been democracy in Europe; in fact, despotic regimes were very rare.

Brian Patrick Bolger

5 min

The Worst Kind of Men

In Mel Gibson’s acclaimed film Braveheart, the infamous English king, Edward “Longshanks” meets with the leading nobles of the realm to decide how to approach control of Scotland.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

“There is much more that unites Spain and Hispanic America than what differentiates us”: An Interview with Manuel Fuentes Márquez

In the television programme El mejor de la historia, broadcast by La 1 of Radiotelevisión Española, Hernán Cortés is described by one of the participants as an “animal” and an “impressive murderer”. The black legend is widespread in Spain, and Hernán Cortés, like other conquistadors, is portrayed in a very negative light. To discuss his historical relevance and the many myths that surround him, I spoke to Manuel Fuentes Márquez, a historian, researcher, and author of the Spanish history website Libros y Lanzas.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min
