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Kursk: Putin’s Achilles heel?

The operation by Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region of Russia has been one of the most unexpected actions since the Russian invasion began in February and has so far drastically changed the map of a war that had been slowly changing since the recapture of Kherson and much of the Kharkov region.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

“Everything people know about Crimea comes from Russia and most of it is a lie”: An interview with Lia Motrechko

Lia Motrechko is a young activist for the rights of the Crimean Tatars. The daughter of a Ukrainian father and a Tatar mother, she lives in Spain where she studies history.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min

Six Years in Poland

Your Excellencies, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, I would like to express my warmest thanks to

David Engels

10 min

Goats who must atone for the trivialization of evil – an annotation to Hannah Arendt’s philosophy

How could one explain the paradox of diluting responsibility in an ocean of guilt, in the most "rational" of the worlds, within a "rules-based international order"?

Gheorghe Piperea

5 min

Alarico Lazzaro – Karpacz Economic Forum 2024 Speech

Good morning everyone and thanks for invitation to the Karpacz Economic Forum, dedicated this year to artificial intelligence and the youth leadership of the future.

Alarico Lazzaro

5 min

Not just Soros, not just Putin

There are many in the West, on both the Left and the Right, who blame US imperialism for everything that goes wrong in the world. After all, this would place the blame for all humanity’s ills on capitalism, which fits the narrative of the Left, and on Western decadence, which fits a part of the Right that sees the West’s enemies as allies.

Álvaro Peñas

5 min


France: towards chaos?

All the polls and commentators had predicted that Marine Le Pen's National Rally would win the European elections in France with more than 31% of the vote, more than twice the score of President Macron's party, which came second with 14%.

Patrick Edery

6 min

Problem of Expertise in Nowadays Europe

One of the problems with which not only European but Western liberal democracy is struggling today is the problem of knowledge and its relation to politics.

Agnieszka Nogal

15 min

The Spirit of Europe Blows Where It Will

For over 50 years, since mid-1970s, the spirit of neoliberalism hovered over Europe.[1] Its essence was fittingly summed up by Margaret Thatcher, who observed that she knows no such thing as a society but only knows individuals.

Justyna Schulz

15 min

Do We Still Believe in Europe?

In 1750, Jean-Jacques Rousseau won the first prize in a competition organized by the Academy of Dijon, answering the question: “Has the restoration of the sciences and arts contributed to refining moral practices?”

Agnieszka Nogal

10 min

In Vino Veritas. On Blind Testing and the Culture of the Symposium

The world’s best violin is called “Opus 58” and comes from the studio of Swiss master violin maker Michael Rohnheimer.

Paweł Ćwikła

15 min

Frankfurt School and the Social Disorder

In the last half of the century, a social disorder, emerged in Western societies.

Edward Sołtys

15 min

The Essence of Things - Hesperialism

In the fifth episode of "The Essence of Things", we discuss the topic of philosophy of history and the concept of hesperialism.


Populism and Democracy

Ladies and gentlemen, ‘a spectre is haunting the world: the spectre of populism’.

Charles Turner

8 min

Ukraine has not banned Christianity

“Ukraine bans Christianity.” This claim, which has spread like wildfire on social media among many pro-Kremlin accounts, is completely false.

Álvaro Peñas

7 min

Does the European Union Contribute to Moral Progress and If So, Then How?

At first glance, the question asked in the title is surprising. Can an organization which, like any human formation, is not free from corruption and abuse, contribute to moral progress?

Justyna Schulz

10 min

Does the European Union Contribute to Moral Growth? How to Find the Place Where We Can Stop?

What is the “moral growth” indicated in the title? When seeking an answer to this question, one certainly should reflect on a related term – “moral progress”.

Grzegorz Kucharczyk

15 min

On Confusion in Contemporary Art

There is perhaps no more heated dispute in culture than that concerning contemporary art.

Maciej Mazurek

15 min

'Post-Liberalism' – Reflections on the Revolution in Europe

We have now entered the stage of post-Liberalism. The European elections have seen a move to traditionalist parties in most states.

Brian Patrick Bolger

10 min

What Threatens Poland’s Sovereignty? And How?

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