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On Confusion in Contemporary Art

There is perhaps no more heated dispute in culture than that concerning contemporary art.

Maciej Mazurek

15 min

'Post-Liberalism' – Reflections on the Revolution in Europe

We have now entered the stage of post-Liberalism. The European elections have seen a move to traditionalist parties in most states.

Brian Patrick Bolger

10 min

Why Beauty Matters?

The fight against Western civilization is being waged on multiple fronts, encompassing the vast domain of culture.

Jan Tarnas

10 min

Even the Poets are Killing: Fico and the New Iron Curtain

The Slovak 'Lee Harvey Oswald' was a 71 year old poet. It's what poets do these days. No waltzing around daffodils in the Lake District or smoking Opium a la Coleridge.

Brian Patrick Bolger

5 min

Why do the Germans refuse to talk about reparations?

In 1939, Germany was not planning an ordinary war. The aggression against Poland was to be a prelude to the total annihilation of the Polish nation.

Grzegorz Kucharczyk

6 min

The Goodness of Europe and the Evil of this World

A striking feature of our times is that we are confronted with two radically opposed assessments of the spiritual state of contemporary Europe.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

12 min

Meghan and the Society of the Spectacle

It was the old Marxists who maintained that humans, under capitalism, are related according to their commodity value of exchange.

Brian Patrick Bolger

7 min

Europe's Crisis

The current crisis of our continent raises the following question: Will Europe survive? The question naturally refers to the continent's culture. One could extend the question by asking: Will the West survive? 

Bronisław Wildstein

15 min

Francis Fukuyama and the Philosopher's Stone

In the 1990s there was a type of vulgar complacency in the social sciences. This was ushered in by the after effects of the Cold War which, it was presumed, meant the 'end of' something or other. The 'end of ideology', the 'end of history'; a supposition that the damaging 'ideologies' of the twentieth century were exposed and dismantled.

Brian Patrick Bolger

5 min

Man Without Nature – Nature Without Man. The anti-transcendent roots of green ideology and how to oppose them

For a long time now, "environmentalism" has ceased to be a simple “one-subject lobby”, but has transformed into a comprehensive ideology, generally perceived to be situated on the left side of the political spectrum and increasingly aggressive in its aims and methods.

David Engels

15 min

The Biblical and Christian Roots of Western Democracy

There is a lot of historical myopia in the West today: a lot of historical forgetting and even more historical ignorance.

George Weigel

10 min

Conservatism for Europe, against Radicalism

What is the significance of conservatism for contemporary Europe? Do think- ers such as Roger Scruton, to whom this book is dedicated, have any influence on the course of events, on Europe, on the European Union?

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

15 min
