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Is Christianity Over?

It all began with the last book by the Parisian philosopher Chantal Delsol, The End of Christianity: Normative Inversion and the New Age, published in October 2021.

Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz

10 min

Affinity by Choice

The war in Ukraine shattered the myth of the invincible Russian army, which had instilled so much fear in the Europeans and formed a significant, though not the only, basis for the respect Russia enjoyed in the “West”.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

10 min

The Italian nation after the Unification of Italy

The terms nation and state, sometimes erroneously used as synonyms in public debate, actually represent two different concepts. It is precisely from this distinction that we must start if we wish to define the genesis and cultural references that constitute the Italian philosophical tradition.

Francesco Giubilei

7 min

The nuclear phase-out: The Germans' dogma

Europe is an officially secularised continent. Christianity is seen either as folklore or a disturbing relic. Significantly, the 19th century transformed Western societies in several ways.

Marco Gallina

9 min

Charles III and the Coronation: 'Government of Himself'.

It was TS Eliot who remarked that 'When a term has become so universally sanctified as 'democracy' now is, I begin to wonder whether it means anything, in meaning too many things'.

Brian Patrick Bolger

12 min

Is France in a terminal phase of dechristianisation?

The situation of the Catholic Church in France is particularly worrying. The number of priests has been gradually decreasing for several years. In the early 1960s, there were 41,000 priests in office. In 1995, there were 29,000, and in 2020 half that number, or about 14,000. What is more, half of the French priests are over 75 years old. Every year now between 600 and 700 priests leave, and their departure is far from being compensated for by the few hundred new priests who take up their duties.

Patrick Edery

7 min

China and the New Nomos of the Earth  

The world stands at a paradigm shift; a thunder of meeting, fighting tectonic plates. Vaclav Klaus, in his latest article in 'The Hungarian Conservative' laments the passing of an old order. The move from one epoch to another is reminiscent of Mathew Arnold's poem 'Dover Beach' where the ebbing of the sea of faith had ceased caressing the shores of the world.

Brian Patrick Bolger

10 min

John Paul II – truly necessary authority

The latest attack of the media on Holy Pope John Paul, its intensity, brutality and merciless character, make us ask what the Polish Pope’s figure and memories of him actually mean for the contemporary generation - and what they should mean.

Paweł Skibiński

15 min

Would De Gaulle be pro-Russian today?

This question may seem incongruous to many of our European readers for whom the General is the symbol, like Churchill, of resistance to invasion, of refusal to submit to the law of the strongest. The Second World War showed us that there are two schools of thought when faced with an invader.

Patrick Edery

15 min

Roger Scruton Returns Home

After Sir Roger Scruton’s death, it was written about him that he was a profound but controversial thinker. Well, shallow thinkers, including philosophers, are indeed usually not controversial because avoiding at all costs theses that might be controversial inevitably leads to shallow thought.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

20 min
