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Spain turns right and Sánchez calls elections

The local and regional elections held on 28 May marked a turning point in Spanish politics. The most obvious summary is a clear victory of the Right and a debacle of the Left, whose most radical version practically disappears from the institutions.

Álvaro Peñas

6 min

Anglospherical: The Region Report on the Anglosphere - April 2023

As we learnt in the March Region Report on the Anglosphere (LINK), Scotland does not want to be left behind in the race to replace heritage British leaders with those from the former British colonies of Asia.

Vernon Rogers

8 min

Is the end of private cars coming soon?

For better or worse, the car has revolutionised our way of life, drastically changing our relationship with space. I do not intend to take stock of this revolution here and now.

Ferenc Almássy

6 min

Manuel Acosta: “Since the very foundation of Spain, neither Catalonia could be understood without Spain, nor Spain without Catalonia”

Interview with Manuel Acosta Elías, PhD in Hispanic Philology, graduate in Geography and History from the University of Barcelona and VOX MP for Barcelona in the Parliament of Catalonia, where he is the spokesman for the University, Culture and Education Committees.

Álvaro Peñas

10 min

Six great misunderstandings about Russia

To read the thoughts of many French opinion leaders and their supporters on social networks about Russia is to despair of humanity. They base almost all their analyses on misunderstandings that can only lead to erroneous conclusions.

Patrick Edery

7 min

Country Report: Hungary, April 2023

Between 28 and 30 April, Pope Francis travelled to Hungary on an apostolic visit. During that time,  he met with Hungarian leaders, visited the faithful and immigrants, and celebrated a large open-air mass in front of the parliament.

Ferenc Almássy

5 min

A "coup d’état" against the federal government that never existed?

Germany on the brink of the abyss - no, that was neither the headline in the German papers when the full extent of inflation and price hikes became known; nor when the consequences of the energy crisis became tangible;

Marco Gallina

8 min

Anglospherical: The Region Report on the Anglosphere

A slow-motion transfer of power would seem to be afoot in the Anglosphere, moving from a heritage ruling class of white men and women to the children of successful Indian immigrants. The US Vice President, Mrs Kamala Harris, is Indian on one side.

Vernon Rogers

7 min

Country Report: Spain & Portugal, April 2023

With one month to go before the next regional and local elections in Spain, the political parties have begun the electoral pre-campaign, with events and rallies becoming more and more frequent.

Álvaro Peñas

10 min

Country Report: France, April 2023 - Is France in a political or institutional crisis?

The month of April has been marked by two major events in France. First, the continuing protest against the pension reform, which, for many experts, constitutes a regime crisis that could lead to a Sixth Republic.

Patrick Edery

6 min

Interview with Ludwig Brühl - ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) International

“There is no place in a free society for the punishing of individuals who share their peaceful and honest views on the important issues of our time”

Álvaro Peñas

10 min

Seen from Warsaw, Seen from Brussels: The Echo of the Heidelberg Speech

On 20 March, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki gave a very important speech at the University of Heidelberg.[1] It is worth comparing it with President Emmanuel Macron’s speech at the Sorbonne in 2017 and with the address of Chancellor Olaf Scholz at Charles University in Prague at the end of August 2022.

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

10 min
