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The Right and the Organisation of Culture

The Sardinian thinker concentrates on the process of the formation of intellectuals in a civil and political society. After specifying the role of Italian intellectuals abroad and their cosmopolitan function, he dwells on the organisation of culture and related issues.

Francesco Giubilei

7 min

"Don't just criticise, create!": Interview with Victor Aubert, Director of Academia Christiana

This is the fourth episode of our new interview series entitled "Don't just criticise, create! David Engels talks to European artists, philosophers, priests, intellectuals, activists and craftsmen who have decided not only to lament the "decline of the West", but also to try to help reverse it. They did so by creating something new - and perhaps also something beautiful, true and good.

David Engels

10 min

Country Report: Spain & Portugal, February 2023

Spain’s parliament continues to opt for the most radical progressive agenda, and the month of February saw a modification of the abortion law, an approval of the trans law and the first step towards the animal rights law, or animal dignity law, which must be still ratified in the Senate.

Álvaro Peñas

10 min

In the stranglehold of the climate extremists

At the carnival parade in Düsseldorf, one float caught the eye: it showed a member of the climate extremist "Last Generation" fighting a “car monster”. Düsseldorf thus adopted the common narrative of "David against Goliath" and assigned the role of heroes to the extremists - not least because the slogan underneath, "Who's the climate terrorist here?" made it clear that the CO2 guzzlers are responsible, not the activists.

Marco Gallina

5 min

Country Report: France, February 2023

Throughout February, France has been gripped by the "Pierre Palmade" affair, named after a famous comedian and showbiz star known to all French people. On 10 February, his car violently collided with another car whose passengers were a six-year-old boy, his father and his sister-in-law, a young pregnant woman.

Patrick Edery

10 min

The Heir to the Spares

In my previous Region Report I complained about the Yanks’ faux republicanism (see: LINK). In Blighty the problem is the reverse: false modesty, pretended irrelevance, and the snobby casualness of insisting on calling everyone by his first name, as if one could presume intimacy with anyone, anywhere, high or low, common or royal.

Vernon Rogers

10 min

What to remember from Viktor Orbán's State of the Nation Address?

Every year in mid-February, Viktor Orbán holds a major speech to take stock of the past year and announce the main lines of the coming year, while highlighting the main elements of his vision and strategy.

Ferenc Almássy

10 min

Country Report: Italy, January 2023

Italy's new foreign policy between support for Kiev and the Mediterranean gas pipeline. 

Francesco Giubilei

Pasquale Ferraro

6 min
