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Report: The first 100 days of Giorgia Meloni's conservative government

The government led by Giorgia Meloni has reached its first milestone: 100 days in power. Such a result, especially in a parliamentary system as dynamic as the Italian one, provides an additional value not to be taken for granted.

Francesco Giubilei

Pasquale Ferraro

10 min

Would De Gaulle be pro-Russian today?

This question may seem incongruous to many of our European readers for whom the General is the symbol, like Churchill, of resistance to invasion, of refusal to submit to the law of the strongest. The Second World War showed us that there are two schools of thought when faced with an invader.

Patrick Edery

15 min

Antonio Maria Rinaldi: “A strong Italy is necessary for Europe to be strong too”

Antonio Maria Rinaldi is one of the most recognised and popular Italian politicians. His interventions on radio and television, his forcefulness and clarity in opinions and his dialectical confrontations with his political opponents are already anthological and have made him an undisputed and appreciated media personality.

José Papparelli

10 min
